語の意味は辞書に記載されているが,その意味は,実際のコミュニケーションにおいて文脈に合うように,ある程度の幅を持って調整されている.そこに生じるのがアドホック概念である(アドホック概念についてはCarston, R (2002) Thought and Utterance: The Pragmatics of Explicit Communication を参照).そのことをドラマ『赤毛のアン』で見つけた(2)の例で確認する.
(2) ANNE: Oh … it seems so funny and horrible to think of Diana marrying Fred, doesn’t it?
MARILLA: What is so horrible about it?
ANNE: Well he certainly isn’t the wild, dashing young man Diana used to want to marry. Fred is extremely good.
MARILLA: That is exactly what he should be. Would you want to marry a wicked man?
ANNE: Well, I wouldn’t marry anyone who was really wicked. But, I think I’d like it if he could be wicked…and wouldn’t.
MARILLA: You’ll have more sense some day, I hope.
(Anne of the Green Gables-the Sequel, Screenplay by Kevin Sullivan)