近年の計算機システムの発展と利用環境の向上により、諸科学や産業界のあらゆる分野でデータが蓄積されている。このようにして大量に蓄積されたデータから、 その背後にある自然現象や社会現象のような複雑かつ不確実な現象を読み解くには、データから本質的な情報を抽出するための手法の開発が不可欠である。このとき、不確実現象の解明と予測、知識獲得のために重要な役割を果たすのが現象のモデル化であり、時系列データを用いた現象のモデル化の問題に取り組む。
Students of English need to learn a lot of vocabulary. To be successful, they need to decide what vocabulary items to learn. As they choose which vocabulary items to study, considering the frequency of the vocabulary items in general use may be useful as well thinking about their own personal needs. They also need to decide which aspects of those vocabulary items to learn. and how to learn those vocabulary items. There are many aspects involved in learning vocabulary items related to form, meaning and use. Also they need to decide how to study vocabulary. This may include questions as to whether to learn items in isolation or context, whether to learn in semantic groups and how to reinforce and review learning.
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